Frequently Asked Questions
What is Hydrogen
Hydrogen, or H1 as the scientists amongst us refer to it, is a gas – in fact it is the lightest element in the periodic table. In nature, hydrogen atoms tend to bond with other atoms. For example, when two hydrogen atoms bond, they form molecular hydrogen, or H2. When H2 bonds with a single oxygen atom, this becomes water – commonly known as H2O.
So, what exactly is hydrogen water?
Well, obviously hydrogen is present in all water, but HtoEau® contains pure molecular hydrogen. It is infused into the water under pressure and infiltrates the water molecules.
Why do you add molecular hydrogen to water, anyway?
Because one of the most accessible and easy ways to consume molecular hydrogen is by drinking hydrogen-enriched water!
Due to current levels of stress, pollution, poor diet and certain lifestyles, our bodies gain free-radicals, excess levels of which contribute to the breakdown of our DNA, ribonucleic acid and proteins, leading to cell damage and disease. Because hydrogen molecules are so small, they can easily and quickly be diffused into the bloodstream, and have an antioxidant effect, amongst other potential benefits. By penetrating cells, and even crossing the blood-brain barrier, hydrogen can repair and protect our DNA, and enhance mitochondrial health.
What’s so great about hydrogen water, as opposed to ‘normal’ water?
The list is long, but these are just some of the potential benefits:
- Reduced oxidative stress
- Increased antioxidants
- Weight loss
- More balanced glucose levels
- Better performance in sports
- Improved Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
- Higher VO2 max
- Improved mood and quality of life
- Improved gut microbiota
- Skin improvement
Is hydrogen water safe?
Completely! Studies have proven that you cannot ingest too much – anything more than your cells need is just expelled through your breath. It has been suggested that the more hydrogen you consume, the greater the benefits – this is called the ‘dose-dependent effect’.
How much hydrogen is in HtoEau® hydrogen water?
Well, we are very proud to say that, thanks to our science whizz, Donny, we have packed an unrivalled 3ppm into each can – far more than other pure, molecular hydrogen waters out there! This means that you are getting more for your money, and potentially maximising the benefits to your body.
How did you get your ppm so high?
Sorry, but that is a very closely-guarded secret that Donny won’t even share with the rest of the team!
Why is a higher PPM favourable?
Because we are all unique, and some may require higher levels of hydrogen to do the good work. Considering the dose-dependent effect, it is advantageous to reach the highest levels we can, in order to give you optimal benefits.
What makes your water different to tablet-infused hydrogen water?
Good question! Well primarily, the H2 supplements that you add to water are in tablet or powder form and, therefore contain certain compounds in order to form the Hydrogen (and sometimes sugars). HtoEau® hydrogen water, not only gives you the benefit of drinking pure glacial water, but also pure, unadulterated hydrogen molecules, just like nature made them. That has to be an advantage!
How much should I drink?
1-2 litres per day is the optimum amount, but it’s fine to drink more if you wish.
Do I need to keep it chilled?
You can keep the water in or out of the fridge, and it can be consumed chilled or at room temperature.
Does it have a taste or smell?
Hydrogen is a colourless, tasteless, odourless gas and therefore all you will taste in HtoEau® is our pure, refreshing, glacial water.
How long will the hydrogen stay in my can?
We have seen that the levels of hydrogen deplete one hour after opening the can, so in order to get the most out of HtoEau® hydrogen water, drink it as soon as you can!
What does the research say?
There are numerous potential benefits to be gained from consuming and using hydrogen-rich water:
Studies have shown that skin healing was expedited significantly when applied to damaged skin. Further research proved that hydrogen water diminished wrinkles by increasing type-1 collagen production and reducing keratin damage. The anti-aging effects on damage to periodontal tissue have also been observed. Please click here, here and here for the full reports.
Molecular hydrogen as an antioxidant
A report by Ohsawa et al. (2007) was the first to demonstrate that molecular hydrogen acts, at least in part, as an antioxidant, as it binds to hydroxyl ions produced in central nervous system injuries. Read more here.
One of the advantages of hydrogen water is the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, offering high potential to reduce oxidative stress in the brain. A study found that levels of a marker of oxidative stress were almost 5 times higher in the brain than in the blood. This suggests that hydrogen water may reduce oxidative stress in the brain in daily life, potentially contributing to the maintenance of central nervous system activity and preventing decrease in quality of life. Read more here.
The impact of hydrogen on Alzheimer’s
Another study related to Alzheimer’s disease, showed that hydrogen-rich saline prevented neuro-inflammation and oxidative stress, and improved memory function. Read more here and here.
The positive effect on mood and quality of life
Drinking hydrogen-rich water has been proven to affect not only physical conditions, but also mental conditions such as mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function. Read more here.
Hydrogen water administration succeeded in suppressing depression-like behaviours, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation of the central nervous system. Read more here.
The association between hydrogen water and quality of life was exhibited in a study of patients treated with radiotherapy for liver tumours. Read more here.
Potential weight loss and cholesterol levels
Research into metabolic syndrome – which is associated with risk factors such as obesity and dyslipidaemia and hyperglycaemia – showed that molecular hydrogen significantly reduced blood cholesterol and glucose levels, as well as BMI (body mass index) and waist-to-hip ratio. In other words, the subjects that drank the hydrogen water lost weight and inches! Read more here.
What is Deuterium?
Deuterium is one of three forms (or isotopes) of hydrogen – the others being protium and tritium.
The nucleus (core) of a deuterium atom has one proton and one neutron which doubles the mass of the hydrogen atom, making it twice as heavy. For every 1,000,000 atoms of hydrogen, there are 150 atoms of deuterium bound to oxygen, to form water.
When we drink 1 litre of everyday drinking water, we ingest around 150 ppm, or about 33 milligrams, of pure deuterium. And because deuterium fits anywhere hydrogen can, it is present in everything we eat or drink, and in our bodies.
So, what exactly is Deuterium-Depleted water (DDW)?
It is well documented that deuterium is harmful for biological processes and life. Higher deuterium levels can increase the likelihood of obesity, cancer and cardiovascular disease. The level of deuterium present in most natural waters on Earth is in the range of 150 ppm (parts per million). HtoEau® DDW contains just 50ppm per litre, meaning that we have reduced the deuterium content significantly by a multi-stage filtration process. This ‘light water’ (as it is sometimes referred to), can offer multiple health benefits, by reducing deuterium levels within our cells overall.
Is DDW safe?
Absolutely! There are no reported side effects of reducing the deuterium levels in our bodies, only benefits.
What is so great about HtoEau® DDW, as opposed to ‘normal’ water?
Our ability to deplete deuterium decreases with various factors, such as age, illness, poor lifestyle and diet. Drinking DDW daily can be more effective, for example, than following a low-deuterium diet, in helping to reduce the negative effect these factors have on us. For example, by improving tissue oxygenation, balancing blood glucose levels, decreasing deuterium-induced DNA damage and improving production and repair to our mitochondria (known as the power-house of our cells), to name a few!
Other benefits can include:
- Improvement of energy levels and general well-being
- Boosted metabolism as deuterium levels are lowered
- Increase in VO2 max at less intensity of exercise
- Ability to withstand oxidative stress (ROS)
- Reduced lactic acid and faster recovery from exercise
- Acts as an antioxidant
- Optimised mitochondrial repair
- Targets and neutralises free radicals
How much should I drink?
1-2 litres per day is the optimum amount, but it is fine to drink more if you desire! You can even use it to make hot drinks and in cooking if you are trying to maximise the effects of lowering your deuterium levels.
Do I need to chill it?
You can keep the water in or out of the fridge and it can be consumed chilled, or not!
Does it have a taste?
In short, no! HtoEau® DDW is produced by reverse osmosis filtration and isotopic purification, to lower the undesired deuterium fraction. Low temperature, multi-pass distillation is repeated 50-70 times, and it then undergoes light mineralisation with beneficial electrolytes. This removes any tastes associated with tap water or some mineral waters, so that all you experience is a clean, pure taste.
How long will the deuterium level stay at 50ppm?
The levels of deuterium in our DDW are stable, therefore they will not change after you open the bottle. However, as with any water, we recommend that you finish the bottle within 1-2 days.
What does the research say?
DDW and sports performance recovery and optimisation:
In a study of professional rowers, it was evidential that drinking DDW with 105ppm for 44 days, resulted in improved tissue oxygenation and less tissue anoxia, better mobilisation of glycose and utilisation of glucose, and improved metabolic compensation of load-dependent changes. Subjectively, the group drinking DDW reported feeling increased stamina and improved regeneration and performance. Read the full article here.
DDW and anti-aging and cell regeneration:
A 5-week trial of DDW showed marked reversal of signs of aging, along with other age-related health benefits. Read the study here.
DDW and cancer:
Numerous research papers on differing types of cancer tumours have shown that drinking DDW has been instrumental in reducing tumour size and prolonging the life of cancer patients significantly. Even complete remission was observed in some. Read just a few of the studies here, here and here.
DDW and weight, oxidative stress, inflammation and blood sugar levels:
This study depicts a reduction of oxidative stress and enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities in a diet-induced obesity group. The subjects that consumed DDW ad libitum for 3 weeks exhibited lowered bodyweight, and normalisation of glucose, tryptophan and serotonin levels was also observed. Read more here.